Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions - with answers!
If your question is not on the below list, please contact us!
Q: I’d like to be more involved in your program, what kind of opportunities are available?
A: We always love our PWO families to show their support - from applying for a PWO Crew position to volunteering your expertise with photography, videography, marine biology, admin services, etc.
Q: Can I be a sponsor?
A: PWO is now offering sponsorship opportunities to families and corporations. If your employer or family would like to become a sponsor, please visit our sponsorship page for more information. Families who sponsor or bring in a corporate sponsor will receive a 10% discount on all services.
Q: I have something I would like to discuss with Coach Glenn, what should I do?
A: Coach Glenn likes to keep an open dialog with parents. Please wait until AFTER the day’s instruction is complete before having an in-depth conversation. Additionally, Coach Glenn is glad to set up a time to meet with you - simply shoot him an email and he will respond after class.
Q: Are surfboards provided?
A: Yes, we provide several foam surfboards for the use of the group - use will rotate among the students.
Q: Can I bring my own surfboard?
A: For safety reasons, you may bring your own foam (not fiberglass or wood) board. We require leashes to be left off the boards during group lessons.
Q: What should I bring to Surf School?
A: Sunscreen, rash guard shirt, water bottle, a healthy snack, and a great attitude.
Q: What happens if there is inclement weather?
A: Weather forecasts will be monitored and instruction will be adapted to fit the conditions. Coach Glenn will contact parents if dangerous conditions are expected (i.e. lightning, strong rip currents, hurricane).
Q: If class is canceled for inclement weather, will I receive a refund?
A: Pure Water Outpost keeps its costs low to share the love of surfing with all families. Summer in Florida is Hurricane season and the current fees have taken into account that class may need to be canceled for weather. No refunds will be issued but Coach Glenn will do his best to schedule a make-up.
Q: Can a parent stay and watch?
A: We encourage parents and other family members to stay and watch! It is an exciting time to watch your child catch his/her first (or second or third, etc.) wave! We only ask that you please not interrupt instruction and please do not distract the PWO Crew.
Q: What if I have a vacation scheduled? Do I receive a discount for the day/week my child won’t be able to attend?
A: We understand that family vacations and summer go hand in hand. The low program fee takes this into account and also holds your child’s spot for when you return.
Q: What if my child is afraid of the ocean?
A: Please do make Coach Glenn aware of your child’s fears. In our experience, after a couple of days of working directly with Coach Glenn, most children are past their fears and sharing in the excitement.
Q: Are there sharks in the water?
A: When you are in the ocean, you are exposed to all of its magnificent creatures. The PWO crew is always on the lookout and your child’s safety is a priority. Having a mutually-beneficial relationship with Mother Nature is part of the lesson.
Q: Are there rocks in the water?
A: Yes, there is a natural reef on our beaches. Depending on the water movement and conditions, there are times in the summer when the reef may be exposed. Learning about the reef and how important it is to the ecosystem is part of the lesson.
Q: Is equipment provided?
A: Yes, students will use PWO equipment for most classes. The instructor will let you know if any specific equipment is required.
Q: When skating, are helmets and pads required?
A: For safety reasons, we require all students to wear helmets and pads.
Q: What should I bring to class with me?
A: Flexible athletic wear and shoes (unless otherwise advised), a water bottle and a great attitude.
Q: What happens if there is inclement weather?
A: If you are part of an outdoor class, an instructor or staff member will contact parents if dangerous conditions are expected (i.e. lightning, strong storms)
Q: If class is canceled for inclement weather, will I receive a refund?
A: PWO keeps its costs low to share the love of fitness with all families. Make-up sessions can be made for any classes where PWO is closed or has canceled classes.
Q: Can I stay and watch?
A: We encourage parents and other family members to stay and watch! We only ask that you please not interrupt instruction and please do not distract the PWO Crew.
Q: What if I have a vacation scheduled? Do I receive a discount for the day/week my child won’t be able to attend?
A: The low program fee takes this into account and also holds your child’s spot for when you return.